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Anger Re-Direction / Anti-Theft Class

Anger Re-Direction Classes

Anger, jealousy and the physical act that brings with it injuries had been one of the more impactful crimes that have devastated many individuals and families as a result of oftentimes unhealthy manner in which many individuals and families, assisting with resolving highly stressful and frustrating issues in healthier way. Major Impact will work with the courts as well as individuals and families.

Learn how perception and beliefs affect behaviors, which ultimately dictates reactions to upsetting situations and/or events. Learn alternative behaviors that can be implemented to reduce the thinking errors that are prevalent in most of the conflicts that individuals find themselves involved in.

Anti-Theft Class

Petit theft has been an issue that has adversely affected our economy with results in Billions of dollars lost due to this unhealthy behavior that is passed on to the consumer annually. Major Impact addresses this issue to advise individuals who’ve been court ordered to treated due to this behavior to alternatives to getting their needs met.

This is a court mandated 4-hour course.