(239) 226-4357

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Substance Abuse/DUI/Drug Screens

Over 20 million Americans are classified with alcohol and drug dependency each year. With more than nine percent of the population seeking counseling or treatment for substance abuse, Major Impact and its team of counselors can provide a comprehensive approach to a serious problem that leaves in its wake broken and abandoned homes and individuals as well as lost lives as a result at the attempts to alleviate the uneasiness most individuals find themselves having to deal with.

Our services include Substance Abuse classes that handle Drug and DUI charges. We are a provider for Probation (State and County), Pre-Trial, and Safety Council. We also provide services for Lutheran Services and Children’s Network.

Major Impact also services our client’s with drug screens needed for any DCF, Probation, Pre-Trial, or Safety Council. If you are a client completing Substance Abuse classes the random drug screens are included in the cost of your sessions after your 1st (1on1) session unless the specimen will need to be sent to the lab, then the cost of the lab will be at the client’s expense.